Finally started Groundhopping and Blogging!
So finally! getting past the many, many days/weeks/months of preperation and procrastonation, I put (pen to paper) or more finger to key, getting my new football blog started.
'Turnstiles and Terraces' a diary of my groundhopping adventures. (this name took much longer than you could Imagine as so many of the obvious and great ones were already being used by some excellent vlogs/blogs.
Awaydays - Well worth a look
Groundhopper - Awesome
Groundhopper FC - Again well worth a look
Around the Grounds - And another good resource that blocked a good name lol
To name a very small number... and so for me;
Having loved football since a very young age, I only really started thinking of actually comiting to going around all the grounds at Manchester United Vs Newcastle at the end of 2019. There was just something about sitting in that ground looking up at the architexture of the building and the way the roof is at old trafford that just captivated me... I had a feeling of home while being sat there, surrounded by 75000+ strangers. I loved that feeling, the energy, the drama, the pageantary, the bantering between fans, it captured all the emotions and drama...and I was becoming hooked, a football junky if you will.
So Basically this photo is to blame for me now spending so much time and money travelling around the U.K. visiting stadiums lol or more over I consider it the spark than motivated me into pursuing something I love.
I had a look online to see how to find all the grounds, boy was I more than pleasantly suprised to see huge array of different people all over the internet doing what I would now know as 'Groundhopping'. I also came across people with a passion for football programmes, stats, football shirts and pretty much everything football. I know had a large amount of things to look into, finding out about this huge band of people who all shared the same love, which was great for me as I love all of it.
So why this blog then...?
Well I thought this would be a cool way to chart my progress/ adventures, possibly givng other people the inspiration to pursue their love of this, while having a resource available for people including myself to reference online.
Not completely in order as I originally started attending matches in 97 with a huge hiatus, the pages about each match/ stadium i attend will never truly be finished as I will always update them with and relevant or new information i find.
So why Groundhop?
A love of football, an obsession with Stadia, the travelling is amazing with the things you see and the people you meet, not to mention all the different stories you hear.
I also now have a twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube.
feel free to check the out and give me a like or subscribe and thanks for reading :-)
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